Senior Thesis Presentations: The Capstone Of A PCA Education

The papers have been written. The presentations have been prepared and are currently being practiced. It's an exciting time for our senior class as they are gearing up for their Senior Seminar Presentations, the culmination of an entire year's worth of work.
Covering such topics as “The Body Image Dilemma”, “Is The Constitution Absolute?”, and “How to Pursue the Homeless as a Believer”, the Class of 2024 has worked since September with teachers Mrs. Kristi Ugland and Mrs. Marcia Siebert, as well as with the many senior mentors who volunteered their time to help each of the seniors fully understand, present, and defend their thesis.
"The Class of '24 has been a pleasure to work with and guide through the Senior Thesis Seminar Course and Presentation", says Mrs. Ugland. "The students have been actively engaged since day one and have worked with passion in their topics of choice. I'm excited for them to show the PCA Family what they've learned and how they've grown."
Mrs. Siebert added, "This year's presentations are as diverse as our students. Many of them chose topics that they have strong personal connections with and I believe those personal connections with their topics will make for very impactful presentations."