Exploring College Options: West Point

Congratulations to PCA Juniors Abby Landfried and Sarah Spivey who have been accepted to West Point's Summer Leaders Experience. They are among the 1000 students chosen from 6000 applicants to this highly selective program.
The Summer Leaders Experience is a fast-paced program of academic classes, military training, physical fitness training, and intramural athletics which gives high school juniors a week to experience life as a cadet to inform their college selection decision. Students choose from a variety of courses in different academic areas, such as science, mathematics, engineering, humanities, modern languages, and psychology. Students also take part in daily military training including physical training, weapons familiarization, obstacle courses, and West Point's Leadership Reaction course. To help students make informed decisions about a military education, the program offers a great deal of social interaction including intramural sports and social events with current West Point cadets.
As Congressional District 1 Admissions Liaison for West Point, Mr. Steve Featherstone encouraged Abby and Sarah to explore this unique opportunity. Even if they do not participate in the program, they have gained valuable experience in applying to a highly selective college.