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Heart For Missions Update

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The total is in! The Lower School raised a total of $3,339 for their Hearts for Missions campaign with Second and Third-grade classes raising the most in the K-2 and 3-5 grade levels!

Lower School Principal Dr. Rick Martin sums up the success of the event. “Several months ago, Hadley Silvester brought the idea to raise money for children in Honduras to the student council. The student council, led by President Greta Kate, rallied behind this idea and together they initiated a lower school coin drive. The student body then responded and each class, K-5th grade, started dropping their coins into their classroom jar. As students started dropping coins throughout the last week of February, I was amazed to see the jars fill up to total over $3000!! All it took for Jesus to bless 5,000 was two fish and five loaves. Our prayer for this coin drive was simply to ask Jesus to use our coins to bless the children in Honduras. Great job, Lower School! It is an honor to serve the Lord and love others alongside you. I believe God answered our prayers.”

Middle School Drama Team: The Show Must Go On!

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In a world where being socially distant is the new normal, it can make activities such as putting on plays, a little more challenging. But that is not discouraging Middle School Drama teacher Jenni Brown from finding a way for the show to go on.

Brown started off the year by shifting her typical lessons to focus more on small group skits, improv, and socially distant games. 

 “I still wanted to have a performance,” Brown said, “so the plan is to have a night for each grade where they will perform to an audience of their families.”

 The sixth grade is doing Red Writing Hood, a one-act play telling the story of Red Riding Hood who changed the script to make her fairy tale friends happy, but instead, everything goes wrong! Thankfully, the FBI (Fairytale Believers Incorporated) comes in to help save the day. 

“Half of the students will narrate the lines,” said Brown, “and the other half will act out the play wearing paper mache heads that they made in art class.”

 7th and 8th graders will be performing monologues, where only one person will be on the stage at a time. 

 The Middle School Drama performances will take place on March 24, 25, and 26 and will be open only to the performers' families.

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