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Rockets And Pigs! Middle School STEM!

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Between rockets and pig dissection, Mrs. Moser’s 6th and 7th-grade science classes have been extremely busy!

The sixth-grade science classes were wrapping up a three-part study of the universe, which ended with rocket ship construction and a launch! 

“The rocket launch was a culminating STEM activity for 6th graders,” said Moser. “The students used construction paper and their choice of adhesive to construct a rocket. They were able to use PVC pipe to ensure the correct diameter of the rocket’s body to launch. They also were told that it would be launched using air pressure. The students had a class and a half to construct and then launch. After their first launch, they spent the next class refining their design to hopefully improve performance. Their second launch proved much more successful for most students. The problem-solving was tremendous to watch and the students had a BLAST!”

While the 6th graders were building rockets, the 7th graders spent last Saturday morning doing a voluntary lab, dissecting and studying the anatomy of a pig.

 We have been studying human body systems,” said Moser, “and this was a culminating lab experience. Believe it or not, pigs have internal anatomy that matches ours. The students got to see how God created all our organs and systems to work together for His glory. They were able to measure the length of the small intestine as well as observe how the trachea branches off into the lungs. Other observations included the heart, kidneys, stomach, and brain to mention a few. It was a memorable experience for all the students who participated.”


Thank You For Supporting Our Duck Drop!

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PCA's Duck Drop was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! Thanks to our amazing parents and our super supportive sponsors, PTF raised an incredible $77,555 to fund a new playground for our students!

Here are our Duck Drop Winners:

Overall winner - Luke Mercer won the bike and $100
Preschool - Wrenn Curry $100
Grades K-2 - Luke Mercer $100
Grades 3-5 - Cole Turner $100
Grades 6-8 - Gracie Fischer $100
Grades 9-12 - The Spanish Club $100
Sponsor Duck winner- John Parnell $100
Top Duck Sales - Dalton McMillan $100
Top Class Sales - Mrs. Adkins

Congratulations to these lucky ducks! And a special thank you to our amazing PTF officers for a job well done! What a fun day!

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