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Huge Victories For Varsity & JV Volleyball!

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Junior Varsity beat Ashley Hall 2-0 to improve their record to 5-0.  "This was a huge mental win for them because of how they performed against Ashley Hall last year," Coach Fort says. "I am proud of their determination and focus".  

The Varsity Volleyball game against Ashley Hall could not have been more thrilling! If you missed it, here is the recap. PCA beat Ashley Hall in the first two sets. Ashley Hall then rallied to take Set 3 and Set 4. In the 5th (and Final) Set, PCA was down by score of 9-14.  Ashley Hall needed one more point to win the game. 

"The reality of this could have been daunting", says Coach Fort, "Any mistake or error from us and the game is over".  But that isn't what the team focused on. They focused on controlling the controllables. PCA won the next point, making it 10-14. Senior Ansley Gresh went to the line to serve. The next two points were won when Ashley Hall tried to attack and Junior Charlee Olson blocked them bringing the score to 12-14. 8th Grade setter, Lexi Duplessis got PCA the next point with a kill. PCA clawed their way back to 15-15. In Volleyball, you need to win by 2 points. Senior Captain Katelyn Howard stepped to the serving line. The ball was set to 8th Grade Outside Hitter Cokey Suddeth for the kill. Katelyn served again and this time, served an Ace! PCA came back to win 17-15.  

"As I was watching this unfold, all I could think of was, win or lose.. these girls did something that I have never seen before. They didn't let the emotion of the game make them lose focus. They didn't give up. They just kept pushing.  Winning was an added bonus, but I am so proud of their GRIT and focus under pressure." 

 PCA Varsity is now 6-0. This week PCA takes on Conference opponent Lee Academy (away) on Tuesday at 4 pm and will play 3A First Baptist at home on Thursday at 4:30 pm.


Posted by Jennifer Fort with

The Winning Streak Continues For Volleyball Teams!

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Varsity Volleyball is now 5-0 and our JV team is 4-0.  One of the things that we are focusing on this season is "controlling the controllable". We have become laser-focused on what we can control on our side of the court. 

"While this is certainly easier said than done, I have seen a visible difference so far this season. I am proud of these girls as there are so many factors outside of our control right now. They have done a great job staying focused on what they can control".  

PCA Volleyball has a tough home match this Thursday against 3A Ashley Hall. JV starts at 4:30 pm and Varsity starts at 5:30 pm. Let's GO EAGLES!!!

Posted by Jennifer Fort with
