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Showing items filed under “Darla Rourk”

Spanish Club is Learning How to Help Those in Need

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Spanish Club Advisor Señora Pabst says that PCA's Spanish Club is very intentional both in its work at PCA and outside of the school. The club recently had a speaker from Lamb Institute in Charleston. The Lamb Institute is a Christ-centered, multi-faceted ministry based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, which shares the hope of Jesus Christ as it works to meet the needs of those who suffer from extreme poverty, abuse, and exploitation. Members of the Spanish Club raised over $400 to support Lamb's Children's Home in San Buenaventura, Honduras by making and selling empanadas.

The club members heard about the incredible work done in the country of Panama by Heart's Cry Children's Ministry.  Heart's Cry shares the love of Jesus as it works to meet the incredible needs of the country's orphans. 

Lastly, the club had four meetings with multiple speakers from Water Mission, a Charleston-based Christian organization that works to provide clean water and the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in need around the world. One of the goals of Water Mission is to create ambassadors with this generation so they can teach and create awareness of the need for clean water.

Señora Pabst hopes to gather a large group of PCA students to participate in the Water Mission's Walk for Water in March.

Posted by Darla Rourk with

Working Collaboratively: "Peter Pan" Set Design

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High School Art Teacher Anna Boyer and her talented students are well underway on their project for the Drama Department! Art I students are spending the month of February preparing the sets for Peter Pan. From Neverland and Skull Island.. to London and Big Ben.. there are many scenes, which means plenty of painting and color mixing going on in the Art Room! Learning to work on such a large project - especially in a collaborative setting - is great practice for future experiences in the workplace!

The Middle School Drama Department's production of "Peter Pan" will delight audiences with several performances coming in mid-March.  Be sure to mark your calendar and make plans to join us for one of the following dates:  

March 12 at 7pm

March 13 at 7pm

March 14 at 2pm

Posted by Darla Rourk with

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