Sarah Crabtree
What do you teach? I am part of our resource room services team. I teach reading, writing, math, and study skills to students from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
What is your educational background? I have my undergraduate degrees from the University of Connecticut in special education. I received my Masters in Education/ Reading from Loyola University in Baltimore, and am a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist.
How many years have you taught? This is my 30th year teaching.
What do you love most about PCA? What I love best about PCA is that I love the support and encouragement of colleagues and the PCA families. But the best part of the school is spending time with our PCA students!
What are you reading right now? Currently I am reading the Remarkable Advent devotional that our PTF so graciously donated to the PCA staff. What a refreshing way to end each day with a creative look at the events leading up to the birth of Christ. More recently I finished reading Ann VosKamp's WayMaker and Dr. Caroline Leaf's Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess.
You might not know this about me.. I was on the very first varsity women's swim team at the University of Connecticut. We had to open the field house and use the men's locker room before anyone else came because there was no women's locker room in the entire building that first year. Each new personal best time was a new school record! I had the awesome opportunity to participate in two Women's Swimming Nationals as part of relay teams.
What is your favorite quote? My favorite quote is from Corrie Ten Boom. "There is no pit so deep, that God's love is deeper still."
Series Information

Throughout the school year, PCA will highlight members of our faculty and staff so that our community can further deepen its relationships.