Ryan Parker
What do you teach? I teach 6th & 7th grade Bible, which is basically an overview of biblical history, what we call Redemptive History, with a deep dive into who is God, who am I, and what is life all about.
What is your educational background? A graduate of Whitesides Elementary, Laing Middle, and Wando High, I have an undergrad in Religion from Charleston Southern, and a Masters in International studies and Doctorate in Great Commission Studies from Southeastern Seminary. I taught graduate classes at Southeastern Seminary occasionally, English as a foreign language, and about 13 years of theological trainings for churches and missionaries while I lived in Kathmandu, Nepal. I love to teach people the reality of life and the depth of Truth, and I love to see it applied and lived out in their lives.
How many years have you taught? I've been at PCA since 2019. My teaching before joining PCA consisted mostly of intermittent teaching as a missionary, team strategy leader working across 3 countries, and trainer of American and international partners and teammates.
What do you love most about PCA? As a child of Mt. Pleasant and the Charleston area, a student of public schools, and a parent of kids who've done homeschool (mostly while overseas) as well as public and now PCA, I LOVE how PCA is actually a uniquely Christian school, meaning that from my varied perspective I see how PCA actually seeks to develop students who will know the biblical view of their lives and be equipped to engage in the world in the best ways possible. I can't believe some days that I get to be part of leading, equipping, engaging, and living life together toward what God has for these awesome young people.
You might not know this about me... I grew up in a wonderful Christian home with parents who loved me and loved each other. I went to church and believed that the Bible was true and God was real. But I always lived a double life of pursuing what I wanted and thought was good for me. I was a leader in my youth group, leading Bible studies and other ministry activities, but always I held out trusting God and accepting what God had for me. Finally after several years of pursuing my own desires at the end of high school and beginning of college, I met some Christians who actually lived for God, lived out their relationship with God. I was astounded at my hopelessness in what I was pursuing compared to the hope and joy that they had as they sought God's best for their lives. At 19, a sophomore at my 3rd college and probably 5th declared major, I finally understood and received Jesus' sinless life and sacrificial death and resurrection in my place. After years of struggling with fear and insecurities, God began to transform me into someone who eventually has seen God's constant faithfulness to me personally and in my family and life no matter the circumstances. I'm not who I was because of God's gracious, free, loving goodness to me, and that is perhaps the most astounding thing about me.
Series Information

Throughout the school year, PCA will highlight members of our faculty and staff so that our community can further deepen its relationships.