Nicole Seitz
What do you teach? I teach visual art to elementary, middle and high school students.
What is your educational background? I have a BA in Journalism and Mass Communications from UNC-Chapel Hill and another BFA in Illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design.
How many years have you taught? This is my 12th year of teaching. I started teaching at PCA in 2010 and left in 2017. This fall, I returned to the PCA art room and to the students I taught when they were younger. It's been a wonderful and welcome return!
What do you love most about PCA? I love the people here! I love the students, the parents, the faculty, the administration... whenever people come together as the body of Christ in an effort to improve the lives of our children, it's a good thing. I have loved having my own children here and feel "at home" in the art room. I hope my students do too!
What was your first job? My first job was babysitting, but my first out of the home job was when I was 13 years old. I worked at Signe's Bakery and Cafe on Hilton Head Island, making sandwiches and selling pies.
You might not know this about me... I am a writer and editor when I'm not teaching or creating art. I've published 10 books (fiction and nonfiction) and have edited or helped many others with their books. My latest novel is for ages 10 and up, The Firstborn: House of Heaventree Book 1. The next book in the series will be released in 2022!
What's on your bucket list? I have a very large cross in my home art studio that I found at a salvage yard several years ago. I started painting miniature enamel copies of famous Biblical paintings on it and hope to finish it! I am a third of the way through!
Series Information

Throughout the school year, PCA will highlight members of our faculty and staff so that our community can further deepen its relationships.