Jeanette Snook
What do you teach? I teach 4th grade to the most amazing Snookie Cookies. I also teach IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) and grammar to the entire 4th grade.
What is your educational background? I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. I have truly taught and studied under some of the most amazing Christian educators of this era.
How many years have you taught? I have taught for 27 years. My first teaching job was in Pickens County, South Carolina, where I still remain close with many of my former students. I graduated from a Christian high school where I met Jesus, and my teaching career has been a lifelong learning of Christian Education. While in Asheville, North Carolina, I had the honor of teaching under some of the most influential Christian educators at a very prestigious school that advanced my understanding as a Christian Educator to a higher level.
What do you love most about PCA? Everything about PCA is magical. My son was in the very first class at PCA, so I have loved PCA from its earliest days, most difficult days, to the glory days, but through it all, the school has remained faithful to God’s Word. PCA is in my blood as an educator and in my heart as a mother. If I were asked about my most favorite things in life, PCA would be at the top. The relationships that I have built with families and students are second to none. I now attend the weddings and graduations of former students, and I’m starting to teach my former students’ children. As tears streamed down my face at the Thanksgiving Chapel, my heart burst with pride as I realized that through it all that PCA has remained true to its purpose of training lifelong learners to embrace the world with a passion for Jesus Christ by its uncompromising allegiance to a Biblical Worldview. Like I mentioned, we are family, and we are magical at PCA!!
You might not know this about me... I grew up on a farm in Eastern North Carolina. I can drive a big tractor during the day, jump off, put on my heels and lipstick and be off for a night in the city. I am extremely competitive and love to win. Snookie Cookies always win!!! I played sports, but my real love was being a cheerleader and still is. I love my Clemson Tigers, but everyone knows that!!
What's on your bucket list? My bucket list is simple. I desire to finish writing my story by completing my teaching career strongly. My journey is still educating students about God’s grace to grow in His love and favor. Honestly, I am living my bucket list right now as a retired teacher who came back HOME to teach and to train boys and girls for His kingdom. Finally, I wanted to be known as the best cheerleader to all I love. But there is one more thing. I loved visiting Europe, but there is no other place like the USA, and I do desire to complete a visit to each state.
Who is your hero or inspiration? I often think that we can look in our own backyard to find our hero. I grew up with two of the most honest, loving parents God ever gave a human being. They instilled in me a love for education and a desire to care for others. My husband is also my hero, as he so freely shares the Good News of Jesus with anyone he meets. I marvel at the love affair he has with his Savior. And finally, my last two heroes are my children. They both reach for the stars, climb more mountains, and continue their journey as learners.
Series Information

Throughout the school year, PCA will highlight members of our faculty and staff so that our community can further deepen its relationships.