Dorothy Jones
What do you teach? I teach fifth grade Bible and History.
What is your educational background? I attended boarding school for my junior and senior years in high school in Virginia. During my senior year, I was given the opportunity to study in England for 9 weeks. We lived in a British teacher's country home with him and his wife, and he taught us British Government, Shakespeare, and Architecture. That is where my passion for history and missions was born. I majored in history in college (Hollins College class of 1994). I have a Masters of Arts in Teaching from the University of South Carolina and a Certificate in Biblical Studies from Columbia International University.
How many years have you taught? This is my 20th year teaching! Wowza! My 9th year at PCA- first 8 years at PCA I taught third grade. Aside from those 8 years of teaching 3rd grade, the remaining 12 years I taught fifth grade.
What do you love most about PCA? I love PCA for its people. I love the faculty members I work with. There's rich fellowship, joy and encouragement among us. I love the students and their families. It's encouraging to partner with so many families who want their children to know and live for Jesus, and they encourage and love us teachers well. I also love our current administration. They lead us, teachers, with grace and love.
Who is your hero or inspiration? My hero is Corrie ten Boone. She and her family helped hide Jews during World War II. After the war, she traveled around the world preaching about the need for forgiveness and reconciliation and the miracles she'd witnessed in a concentration camp. Also, one Sunday evening at my childhood church on Hilton Head, she prayed with my father to accept Christ.
What was your favorite subject in school? Why? In school, my favorite subject was history. My professor was so passionate about it, and that was contagious.
What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics? If I were in the Olympics, I would love to be an ice skater. I was a dancer in my youth and young adulthood and ice skating is close to that.
Series Information

Throughout the school year, PCA will highlight members of our faculty and staff so that our community can further deepen its relationships.