Senior Walk: A PCA Tradition
Senior Walk is a celebration in which soon-to-be graduates walk the halls of their school as a way of demonstrating to younger students that hard work pays off.
We love this sweet PCA tradition! We believe it provides an opportunity for seniors to both celebrate their achievements and inspire younger students to follow in their footsteps. We are currently editing a video to showcase this milestone occasion. Be sure to check your inbox in the coming days so you can watch and enjoy the celebrations of our Class of 2021!
Following the Senior Walk, our Class of 2021 along with family and friends, gathered in the Worship Center where they were affirmed and encouraged during the Senior Awards Ceremony.
This year's class has excelled in arts, academics, and athletics. If God calls someone to a task, he equips them and this year's graduating class has risen to the challenges and finished well.
Seniors were recognized for academic achievement (highest GPA) in each subject and individually recognized in a character traits presentation.
Alex Stephens was awarded the prestigious Headmasters Award for leadership while Olivia Horne received the Dewey Caulder Award for athletic distinction.
Congratulations to every member of our graduating class for your individual accomplishments. It is our joy to affirm the unique way the Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made each of you!