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Domestic Science & Life Skills Elective: A New Opportunity!

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PCA intentionally strives to help each student in their spiritual development while giving them a strong foundation in core academic subjects. In addition, we offer a variety of electives which enhance the core curriculum and provide the very best high school experience.

Colleges and universities view electives as evidence of a well rounded education and indicators of who each student is as an individual.

This year PCA has continued to offer its standard electives of PE, Computer Science, Choir, Band, Psychology, Yearbook, Art 1, Art 2, AP Art, and has added specialty courses such as Creative Writing and Illustration (Seitz), Personal Finance (Kendrick), Life of Churchill (James Ugland), and an updated version of the age old “Home Ec” class renamed Domestic Science & Life Skills (Kristi Ugland).

“I wanted to offer a hands-on elective for students where they could learn fun and practical skills,” explained Ugland. “Academics are important, of course, but learning how to balance a budget, maintain a car, knit a scarf and cook an excellent meal are great skills to have too!”

 The students will engage in and experience a wide variety of lessons to help them succeed in life including multiple guest speakers and field trips into the "real world" for current and practical lessons. The class recently enjoyed an excursion to the Broad Street office of SouthState Bank where students learned about careers in banking, managing personal finances, and credit.

“I learned so much about the banking world,” said Junior, Ana Tyler. “I’ve even started to consider maybe having a career in banking or something similar! In Domestic Science class, I have learned the importance of being a well rounded person and how cool is it to think I could make homemade things for my family and friends after learning about knitting. I look forward to this period all day!”

 Mrs. Ugland says it's exactly the result she had envisioned, “This class encourages students to try new things and to become lifelong learners!”