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1st Graders are Over the Moon with Oreo Project

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Mrs. Shockley's students have been learning about the moon and its four phases. Last Thursday they had a more hands-on approach regarding the moon that helped solidify what they have seen and heard about it. A paper plate, glue and a little grit and ingenuity along with OREOS!!!! brought the nightly moon into the hands of these sweet first graders.  

For example, the new moon phase was represented by an intact Oreo, followed by the 1st quarter or half moon illustrated by placing 1/2 of the cookie on the left and the 1/2 iced cookie on the right. Mrs. Shockley says it's a wonderful hands-on learning project. "The material is read, discussed, created and then displayed visually. The moon phases really come to life during this fun little project." 

The students definitely seemed to love it. Here's what several of them had to say:

Benjamin Cooke: "I liked how we got to glue Oreos for the moon phases...and then we got to taste the extras at the end."
Caitlin Delaney: "I like how we used the Oreos to create the moon phases." 
Carp Carpenter: "I liked how we did the new, half, and full moon with Oreos."
William Jeter: "Even if the Oreo cracked we could still use it."
Gray Bowers: "The moon reflects the sun." 
Caroline O'Neal: "It was fun working as a class during the project." 
Lily Ganway: "I liked gluing the Oreos down and how they looked as the moon phases. It was tempting to eat them...It was really fun! Science is my favorite subject!" 


After the hard-working students were finished applying the moon's phases to their plates, they were rewarded with a delicious Oreo that they could enjoy!

Posted by Amy Walters with